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Your Tungsten Automation (formerly Kofax) Software Can Do More. We Can Show You How.

Accelerate intelligent automation success and ROI on your Tungsten Automation (formerly Kofax) investment with our proven process and titanium-level expertise.


Your Recipe for Intelligent Automation Success

With Tungsten Automation (formerly Kofax), you can remove costs, speed processing, and improve your capture-centric processes. To get you there, we take time to understand your vision and your business goals – then build a roadmap that gets you results. Here’s how:


The Right Team

The Right Team

Assemble stakeholders from the entire organization (executive, business, IT) and meet regularly to overcome setbacks and stay on track.

Go in Phases

Go in Phases

Choose quick-win projects that demonstrate success, earn buy-in, and build capabilities. Put proof-of-concepts to work with early adopters.

Harness Kofax Capabilities

Harness Kofax Capabilities

Focus on end-to-end process first, then iterate and optimize based on ongoing feedback and demonstrations—allowing time for testing and changes.

Build to Succeed

Build to Succeed

Promote internal team ownership with early technical enablement and a trusted Kofax services consultant to guide the project, platform, and offer ongoing Kofax support.

Tungsten Automation Intelligent Automation

Digital Transformation Workflow

Our Tungsten Automation Expertise



Automated classification and extraction of complex forms



App development, integration, and enablement


Process Orchestration

Transform processes and add efficiency


Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

Relieve staff from repetitive, unconscious work

Advanced Analytics-icon

Advanced Analytics

Get data insights that improve staff productivity and process performance.


Titanium Partner

We excel at designing, building, implementing, and supporting Tungsten Automation solutions.

Technology Accelerator Workshop

It’s time to get the most out of your Tungsten Automation (formerly Kofax) software investment. Much of the time, software implementations remain static. This represents a missed opportunity to streamline business processes, add efficiencies, and reduce costs with software capabilities you already own. During this workshop, Genus automation specialists collaborate with your team to focus on document and process automation improvements, all with a goal of maximizing the capabilities you have in place.

Let us help you accelerate business processes, optimize workforce performance, improve service levels, and reduce costs with your Kofax technology.

Learn More about the Workshop

Cognitive Capture

Let us show you how Tungsten Automation (formerly Kofax) cognitive capture software creates actionable information from inbound documents by transforming the expensive, manual capture processes that slow down your document and data processing.


Capture all types of documents across your organization with proven multi-channel acquisition capabilities from scanners, mobile devices, inbound fax systems, email, file systems, and multifunction devices.


Get more precise downstream data with technologies that enhance the quality of scanned images.


Turn your documents into sources of usable business data.

Distributed Networks

Capture documents at a central site, at remote offices, in the field, or wherever they are located.

Form Friendly

Form-specific solutions for healthcare, insurance, and other critical forms.

Core Operations

Automate processing of invoices, claims, communications, emails and more.

Tungsten Automation
(formerly Kofax) Depth

As a trusted Tungsten Automation (formerly Kofax) partner, we have achieved over 140 separate certifications across the entire Tungsten Automation (formerly Kofax) product family, including:

  • TotalAgility
  • RPA™ (Kapow)
  • Capture
  • Transformation
  • Virtual ReScan (VRS)
  • Import Connector
  • Mobile
  • Insight Analytics

Learn More About Intelligent Automation


Tungsten Automation (formerly Kofax) partnership for software sales, service, and support


Capture and other Kofax products


Active, ongoing Tungsten Automation (formerly Kofax)-based relationships


Kofax educated, Kofax certified

99%+ Support Customer Satisfaction - Learn More

Our Tungsten Automation (formerly Kofax) Customer Successes

County Human Services Deploys Mobile Capture App

  • App allows in-home capture of resident documentation
  • Benefits eligibility validated in minutes vs. days
  • Reduced chain of custody risk for sensitive documents
  • Eliminated paper document retention + destruction requirements

Medical Staffing Agency Overcomes Manual Process Delays

  • Automated capture and validation for timesheets and credentials
  • Created and deployed a mobile application for field workers
  • Managed widely distributed professional contract workforce
  • Improved recruiting and customer satisfaction

Bank Accelerates Digital Transformation

  • Drove automation platform adoption to overcome enterprise-wide manual processes
  • Streamlined capture processes for existing operations
  • Automated key back office workflows
  • Engaged key business stakeholders, generating new intelligent automation ideas and demand

You're in Excellent Company

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